Mitsubishi: Montero

"We have a Mitsubishi Montero that we love. Not as big as the Suburban, but the third seat, when up (it can be folded into the floor), will hold two kids easily. (Adults can sit back there, but less comfortably. That gives you two in the back, definitely two in the regular back seat, and in a pinch, you could squeeze the oldest into the middle seat in the back(if she did want her riding up front). Ours has 120 K miles on it, and I thought we would have given it up by now (we also have a small SUV and sedan), but I love that third seat for when we want to have extra kids or even extra adults. (We have 2 3 yr olds, whose carseats can go into the far back, leaving the back seat available to adults or other children."

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Mama Sprout here! As a Mom, I am overwhelmed by all the things out there for and about kids and family! Where to start? What are the most important things needed? What fits our needs the best? What's healthy behavior? What are "normal" bodily functions? In order to make informed decisions, I talk to alot of parents and I've joined online parent groups.

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