Baby Proofing: Intro

As parents and caregivers, we want to do all we can to protect our little angel(s). We do all the research, read all the books and talk to other parents in order the find the best of the best.

Just when we think we've got things under control and are one step ahead of baby, we enter another phase of life. And once the little one(s) starts crawling, then it's an all new and exciting adventure! Before baby starts crawling, we research all there is on baby proofing. There are even companies that will come to your home and after a walk thru, will recommend and sell items to keep your baby safe from items found in the home.

We kept baby proofing very simple and did it ourselves.

(1) We had baby gates on the bottom and top of the stairs.
(2) We put electric outlet covers all over the house.
(3) We installed cabinet locks on all our cabinets (kitchen and bathrooms).

And that worked well for us. But, there's alot more you can do. Do what's best for you, your family and your home. In this section, you'll read feedback from other parents and what they did to safe guard their children.

With baby crawling faster than you can install baby proofing items, the good news is that if you've missed something, baby will soon let you know! Good luck!

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Mama Sprout here! As a Mom, I am overwhelmed by all the things out there for and about kids and family! Where to start? What are the most important things needed? What fits our needs the best? What's healthy behavior? What are "normal" bodily functions? In order to make informed decisions, I talk to alot of parents and I've joined online parent groups.

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