Disney: Websites and Books

"My extended family all went to Disney last fall. I recommend the complete guide to Disney available at any bookstore. It has all kinds of tips for attractions, hotels, travel, restaurants... everything, and a 365 day guide that tells which parks are best to visit each day of the year. Our family went for a week and bought a three day pass which we used every other day. We relaxed in our resort at the pool on off days together. We also went to the park as it opened in the morning. Came home for a nap after lunch and visited another park in the evening. Our girls were 3 and 1 1/2."

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Welcome to Parents Start Here!

Mama Sprout here! As a Mom, I am overwhelmed by all the things out there for and about kids and family! Where to start? What are the most important things needed? What fits our needs the best? What's healthy behavior? What are "normal" bodily functions? In order to make informed decisions, I talk to alot of parents and I've joined online parent groups.

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