City Strollers

The Mclaren is great as it is light, slim/not bulky, manouverable, robust, reasonably stylish, etc. It is foldable and steerable with one hand (v. useful in rain, with umbrella in other hand!). Also useful is that, when I am on my own (50% of time), I can lift out my son, and collapse/fold the stroller with one hand while holding him, and then carry both of them at same time upstairs and into house. I can also do the same for getting on the bus (tho in rush hour, getting on a bus with baby and stroller is no fun at all).

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Mama Sprout here! As a Mom, I am overwhelmed by all the things out there for and about kids and family! Where to start? What are the most important things needed? What fits our needs the best? What's healthy behavior? What are "normal" bodily functions? In order to make informed decisions, I talk to alot of parents and I've joined online parent groups.

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